A woman with braids is holding her finger to her chin.


If you're seeking a solution to improve the appearance of your neck, consider neck lift or platysmaplasty surgery. This procedure targets sagging skin and wrinkles caused by factors like aging or weight loss. By addressing excess fatty deposits under the chin and tightening underlying muscles, a neck lift provides patients with a rejuvenated and contoured jawline. Discover how neck lift surgery can help you achieve a smoother and more youthful-looking neck. Trust the expertise of our skilled surgeons to deliver exceptional results at our renowned Beverly Hills practice.

Experience transformative neck lift surgery with the expertise of Dr. Michael K. Obeng at our prestigious Beverly Hills practice. Using a traditional approach, Dr. Obeng begins the procedure by making an incision along the patient's hairline and continuing around the ears. Through this incision, he expertly re-sculpts and redistributes fat and loose tissue, resulting in a more sculpted neck contour. Excess skin is precisely trimmed away to achieve a smoother and more youthful appearance. Dr. Michael K. Obeng also focuses on tightening the platysma muscle, providing essential support to the skin for long-lasting results. Trust Dr. Obeng for an exceptional neck lift procedure that rejuvenates your neck and enhances your overall facial aesthetics.


Undergoing neck lift surgery at MiKO Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills offers numerous benefits, including:

  1. Elimination of Sagging Skin: Neck lift surgery effectively removes sagging or loose skin in the neck area, creating a more youthful and defined neckline.
  2. Improvement in Jawline Definition: By tightening the underlying muscles and removing excess fat, a necklift can restore a sharper and more defined jawline, enhancing facial aesthetics.
  3. Rejuvenation of Overall Facial Appearance: A neck lift can provide harmonious results when combined with other facial rejuvenation procedures, such as facelift surgery, for a more balanced and youthful appearance.


The cost of neck lift surgery at MiKO Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills is determined by various factors, including the complexity of the procedure, and your goals. During a personalized consultation, Dr. Obeng will assess your specific goals and create a customized treatment plan. He will provide a detailed cost estimate that encompasses all associated fees and ensures the highest level of care throughout your neck lift journey.


After neck lift surgery, a proper recovery period is essential to ensure optimal healing and long-lasting results. Patients can expect some swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort, which can be managed with prescribed medications. It is important to follow all post-operative instructions provided by Dr. Obeng and his team, which may include avoiding strenuous activities. While individual recovery experiences may vary, most patients can typically resume their normal activities within two to three weeks.

Three images of a woman 's neck before and after surgery.
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