Is Tummy Tuck the best treatment for diastasis recti?

sites • Dec 23, 2022

Before we delve into the topic, it is important to understand what the terms Tummy Tuck and Diastasis Recti mean.

What is diastasis recti?
Diastasis recti is the separation of the midline abdominal muscle. This condition is popular with women over the age of 35, who have had many pregnancies or who deliver big babies. It is very common in the United States with over 3 million cases a year.


The abdomen is made up of the left and right abdominal muscles usually called “six packs”. These muscles are connected by a thin band of tissue called the Linea alba. When a woman is pregnant, the pressure exerted on the abdominal wall stretches this tissue. They are stretched and pushed outward to create room for the baby to grow in the womb.

Diastasis recti occur when this band tissue is overstretched beyond its elastic limit and does not contrast back. Creating a gap between the left and right abdominal muscles.

The most common sign of diastasis recti is if the stomach bulge persists after you have lost all the pregnancy weight and exercise.

Follow the following steps to test yourself for diastasis recti

  • Lie on your back with your knee bent and your feet touching the ground.
  • Place your left hand by your side and lift your head above the ground.
  • Feel the gap between your abdomen with your fingers

Contact your healthcare provider if the gap is more than two finger widths.

In most cases, diastasis recti resolve between 8 weeks post-partum but in rare cases, your healthcare provider suggests some activities that help resolve the diastasis recti.In cases where the diastasis recti involve a hernia or surgery is the only way to repair the diastasis recti, then a hernia repair or a cosmetic surgery procedure called a tummy tuck is recommended for treating this condition.

What is a Tummy Tuck?
Abdominoplasty also known as Tummy Tuck is a cosmetic surgery procedure that involves the removal of excess skin and fat from the abdomen (Tummy) and the tightening or corseting of weak abdominal muscles by naturally redraping the skin to create a flatter and firmer abdomen.

How would a tummy tuck help with diastasis recti?

Most patients with diastasis recti also have excess skin, a tummy tuck would remove the excess skin, repair the Linea alba and corset the gap between the abdominal muscles and also remove excess fat. This leaves the patient with a flatter and firmer abdomen.


 If you have further questions please contact us to know if a Tummy Tuck is the option for you

By MiKO Plastic Surgery 10 May, 2024
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