a before and after picture of a stomach .


Abdominal implants and ab etching are advanced cosmetic procedures designed to enhance the appearance of the abdominal muscles, creating a defined and sculpted six-pack or a more toned midsection. At MiKO Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills, Dr. Michael K. Obeng specializes in abdominal implants and ab etching surgery, offering exceptional results and personalized care. Discover how Dr. Obeng can help you achieve the chiseled abs you've always desired through these transformative procedures.

How We Perform Abdominal Implants & Ab Etching Surgery:

Abdominal Implants: During abdominal implants surgery, Dr. Michael K. Obeng creates small incisions in inconspicuous areas and inserts customized silicone implants beneath the abdominal muscles to create a defined and muscular appearance. The implants are positioned strategically to enhance the contours and achieve a natural-looking result.

Ab Etching: Ab etching is a specialized liposuction technique used to sculpt the abdominal area by removing excess fat and creating definition in the underlying muscles. Dr. Obeng carefully removes targeted fat deposits to highlight the natural contours and create the appearance of a well-defined six-pack.

Both procedures are performed under anesthesia to ensure patient comfort throughout the process. Dr. Obeng's expertise and attention to detail result in precise placement and natural-looking results.

Benefits of Abdominal Implants & Ab Etching:

Abdominal implants and ab etching offer numerous significant benefits, including:

  1. Enhanced Abdominal Definition: These procedures are specifically designed to create a sculpted and well-defined abdominal appearance, giving you the coveted six-pack or toned midsection you desire.
  2. Personalized Approach: Dr. Obeng customizes each procedure to your unique anatomy and aesthetic goals, ensuring that the results align with your expectations and create a harmonious overall physique.
  3. Boost in Confidence: Achieving a chiseled and defined abdomen can significantly enhance your self-confidence and body image, allowing you to feel more comfortable and proud of your physique.

Recovery Time:

Recovery time following abdominal implants and ab etching surgery varies depending on the extent of the procedures and individual healing factors. Dr. Obeng and his experienced team will provide comprehensive post-operative care instructions, including guidelines for dressings, compression garments, pain management, and follow-up appointments. Swelling, bruising, and discomfort are common during the initial healing period but gradually subside over time. Most patients can return to work and resume light activities within two to three weeks, with full recovery achieved in several months.

Cost of Abdominal Implants & Ab Etching in Beverly Hills:

The cost of abdominal implants and ab etching surgery in Beverly Hills depends on various factors, including the complexity of the procedures, the extent of customization required, and individual patient needs. During a personal consultation, Dr. Michael K. Obeng will evaluate your goals and provide a detailed cost estimate. MiKO Plastic Surgery is committed to providing competitive and transparent pricing options for abdominal implants and ab etching surgery, ensuring exceptional value and patient satisfaction.

Choose Dr. Michael K. Obeng and MiKO Plastic Surgery for Your Abdominal Implants & Ab Etching in Beverly Hills. Dr.   Obeng is a trusted and renowned expert in abdominal implants and ab etching surgery. With his exceptional skills, extensive experience, and commitment to patient care, Dr. Obeng delivers outstanding results that align with each patient's unique goals.

Abdominal implants and abdominal Etching in Beverly Hills
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