The back of a woman 's torso is shown on a white background.


Rib removal surgery is a transformative procedure that offers individuals the opportunity to achieve a more contoured silhouette and enhanced body proportions. At MiKO Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills, Dr. Michael K. Obeng specializes in rib removal surgery, providing exceptional results and personalized care.

Rib removal surgery is a safe and efficient procedure, typically completed within one to two hours. Under the supervision of Dr. Michael K. Obeng, a leading expert in the field, the surgery is performed with the patient under general anesthesia. To begin, Dr. Obeng skillfully creates a small incision on the back, granting access to the eleventh and twelfth sets of ribs. With precision, these ribs are gently separated from the vertebrate and subsequently extracted. The incisions are then meticulously closed using sutures, ensuring proper healing and minimal scarring. Entrust your rib removal surgery to the expertise of Dr. Michael K. Obeng at MiKO Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills for optimal results and a safe surgical experience.


Benefits of Rib Removal Surgery:

Rib removal surgery offers several significant benefits, including:

  1. Improved Body Proportions: Rib removal surgery helps create a more proportionate and balanced silhouette, especially for individuals seeking a narrower waistline or a more hourglass figure.
  2. Enhanced Confidence: By achieving a body shape that aligns with their desired aesthetic, patients often experience increased self-confidence and a positive body image.
  3. Clothing Options: With a more sculpted and proportionate figure, individuals may find it easier to fit into clothing and enjoy a wider range of fashion choices.


Recovery time following rib removal surgery varies from patient to patient. It is normal to experience some discomfort, bruising, and swelling after the procedure. Dr. Obeng and his team will provide you with detailed post-operative instructions to ensure a smooth recovery. It is crucial to follow these instructions diligently and attend follow-up appointments for proper monitoring and guidance. Most patients can resume regular activities within a few weeks, although strenuous exercises should be avoided for a longer duration.

Cost of Rib Removal Surgery in Beverly Hills:

The cost of rib removal surgery depends on several factors, including the complexity of the procedure and the individual patient's needs. During a personalized consultation, Dr. Michael K. Obeng will evaluate your specific goals and provide a detailed cost estimate. At MiKO Plastic Surgery, we strive to offer competitive and transparent pricing options for rib removal surgery in Beverly Hills, ensuring the highest level of care and satisfaction for our patients.

Rib removal surgery offers a remarkable opportunity to achieve a refined silhouette and enhanced body proportions. Dr. Michael K. Obeng at MiKO Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills specializes in rib removal surgery, providing personalized care and exceptional results. Through a meticulous approach, Dr. Obeng tailors the procedure to each patient's specific needs, ensuring a safe and transformative experience. Take the first step towards realizing your desired body shape by consulting with Dr. Obeng at MiKO Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills.

Rib Removal Surgery in Beverly Hills
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