Labiaplasty surgery in Beverly Hills


Labiaplasty surgery is a transformative procedure that aims to enhance the appearance and functionality of the labia, instilling greater confidence and comfort for women. At MiKO Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills, Dr. Michael K. Obeng specializes in labiaplasty surgery, delivering exceptional results and personalized care.  Discover how Dr. Obeng can help you achieve your desired aesthetic and boost your self-assurance through labiaplasty surgery.

Dr. Michael K. Obeng utilizes a meticulous approach to labiaplasty surgery, ensuring superior outcomes and patient satisfaction. During the procedure, Dr. Obeng carefully trims and reshapes the labia minora or majora to achieve a more symmetrical and proportionate appearance. Incisions are made with precision and are discreetly placed to minimize visible scarring. Dr. Obeng pays close attention to preserving sensation and functionality while achieving the desired aesthetic outcome. The incisions are then meticulously closed, promoting optimal healing and minimal discomfort.

Benefits of Labiaplasty Surgery:

Labiaplasty surgery offers numerous significant benefits, including:

  1. Enhanced Aesthetic Appearance: Labiaplasty surgery addresses concerns such as asymmetry, elongation, or irregular shape of the labia, resulting in a more harmonious and aesthetically pleasing genital appearance.
  2. Increased Comfort: By reducing excess tissue or correcting structural abnormalities, labiaplasty surgery can alleviate physical discomfort caused by friction, irritation, or chafing during daily activities or intimate moments.
  3. Improved Self-Confidence: Labiaplasty surgery can help women feel more confident and comfortable in their own bodies, enhancing self-esteem and promoting a positive body image.

Cost of Labiaplasty

The cost of labiaplasty surgery in Beverly Hills depends on various factors, such as the complexity of the procedure and individual patient needs. During a personalized consultation, Dr. Michael K. Obeng will evaluate your specific goals and provide a detailed cost estimate. At MiKO Plastic Surgery, we strive to offer competitive and transparent pricing options for labiaplasty surgery, ensuring the highest level of care and satisfaction for our patients.

Recovery Time

Recovery time following labiaplasty surgery varies for each individual. Patients typically experience some swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort, which can be managed with pain medication and proper post-operative care. Dr. Obeng and his team will provide detailed aftercare instructions, including guidelines for hygiene and activities to avoid during the healing process. Most patients can resume regular activities within a few weeks, with complete healing occurring over several months.

Vaginal Rejuvenation in Beverly Hills
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